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Chart of the Week

Weekly chart using economic data to address timely market topics from the Wells Fargo Investment Institute Global Investment Strategy team.

March 11, 2025

Jennifer Timmerman, Investment Strategy Analyst

Layoffs take a toll on job market for federal workers

This chart compares the year-ago percent change in all weekly initial jobless claims with the year-ago percent change in initial jobless claims for federal workers. First-time unemployment claims by federal workers have sharply increased since early February, with the latest data showing a 137% year-over-year spike. With the exception of a 12.7% increase in October 2024, the year-over-year percent change in all initial jobless claims has remained subdued during the past year, with the latest data showing a relatively modest 8.2% year-ago increase.Sources: Wells Fargo Investment Institute and U.S. Department of Labor. Data as of March 6, 2025. Four-week moving average data.

We expect federal layoffs to contribute to moderating U.S. job growth in 2025

The chart above illustrates the recent spike in first-time unemployment claims by federal workers (+137% on a year-over-year basis in the week ended February 22). Meanwhile, overall initial jobless claims increased 8.2% on a year-ago basis in the week ended March 1 and remain well below a threshold signaling a recession.

Although federal workers account for less than 2% of non-farm payrolls, recent layoffs have the potential to increase noticeably in the coming months. The negative economic impact will likely hit hardest in smaller, less economically diverse cities and in larger metro areas like Washington, D.C. that are more dependent on federal employment.

What it may mean for investors

We anticipate that federal layoffs will contribute to moderating U.S. job gains in 2025. In our view, the unemployment rate will remain at a historically low level through year-end due to accelerating economic growth later in 2025 and tighter immigration policies limiting labor supply in construction and several other industries. The silver lining over the longer term is the potential gain in productivity as government operations adjust to reduced headcounts and the more productive private sector absorbs federal workers.

Risk Considerations

Forecasts, estimates, and projections are not guaranteed and are based on certain assumptions and views of market and economic conditions which are subject to change.

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