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Investment Strategy

Published July 15, 2024 | 10 min read time

Weekly market insights and possible impacts on investors from the Wells Fargo Investment Institute Global Investment Strategy team.

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Alternatives Spotlight: Private markets’ expanding and diverse opportunity set

  • Over 90% of companies are privately held, and they represent an expanding and diverse investment opportunity set.
  • As public markets become increasingly concentrated, we believe that qualified investors should consider incorporating private investments to further diversify their portfolios.

Equities: The consumer stock story

  • Consumer stocks are generally lower on the year, which supports recent macroeconomic data, C-suite commentary, and sentiment surveys that suggest a weakening consumer.
  • With our view that the economy and consumer should continue to soften over the coming months, we remain unfavorable on the Consumer Discretionary sector.

Fixed Income: Is the recent U.S. bond rally technical or fundamental?

  • Lower net supply of Treasuries during the second quarter could help explain, in part, the decline in Treasury yields.
  • Growing concerns about a slowdown in economic growth have also helped push yields lower, especially given market expectations that the Federal Reserve (Fed) will still be able to cut policy interest rates later this year.

Real Assets: U.S. crude oil demand improving

  • U.S. crude oil demand has improved after a soft start to the 2024 summer driving season, helping push crude oil prices higher.
  • Also supporting higher prices, U.S. crude oil inventories fell by a staggering 12 million barrels last week, the largest one-week drawdown in 11 months.

Article written by:

Global Portfolio and Investment Strategist
Investment Strategy Analyst

Global Fixed Income Strategist
Head of Real Asset Strategy
Investment Strategy Analyst