Depending on the size and needs of your company, Wells Fargo Advisors can help you evaluate employee benefit packages to help you attract and keep employees.
We can help you consider the cost-effectiveness of different employee benefits, understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type of benefit, and work with your tax and legal professionals to coordinate a strategy to help meet your specific needs.
A retirement savings plan is a great way to help you reach your own retirement goals, provide potential tax-saving benefits, and can be important to help attract and retain talented employees. There are numerous plan types and the rules around them can be complicated. Your Financial Advisor can help you choose and implement a retirement savings plan that suits you and your employees.
You may have insurance protection needs, such as coverage for business liabilities, funding a buy-sell agreement, protecting against the loss of a key employee or succession planning.
If you are working with your attorney or CPA on plans to keep your business in the family, sell your interest to a key employee or co-owner, or prepare it for sale to another company, your Financial Advisor may be able to help you evaluate different options and considerations that affect the business's current cash flow and your future financial position.
If you’re planning to sell all or part of your business to a co-owner, one or more of your children, employees, or someone else, it’s important to consider if you will stay involved. With our LifeSync experience, you and your Financial Advisor can plan around your real-life goals and needs and address important questions; for example, after the sale of your business, how can you provide income for yourself and your family?